If you are currently working with Xpand Staffing, please enter your full name and last four digits of your SS# than click SUBMIT to login.

General Payroll Instructions

  • Funds are available on your pay card every Friday
  • The deadline to submit time sheets is Monday at 10:00 am
  • Time sheets must be signed by client’s authorized representative before it will be processed
  • Time sheets submitted after the deadline will be processed in the next payroll cycle
  • The original copy of the timesheet is required to release your paycheck
  • The work week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday

Submitting Time Sheets

Submit your time sheet by 10:00 am on Monday following the week of work. You can choose either of the following:

  • Drop it off personally
  • Fax it to us at (954) 343-8711 and you must call to confirm that it was received
  • Email it to us – Send the timesheet to [email protected]